God Works Through the Prayers of His People!
The prayers of God s people have a great deal of influence in the way that God intervenes in the affairs this world. In I Cor. 15:25ff God tells of His overall intentions: but within that, He seems to have given His children the responsibility through prayer and the acting on His commands to get the job done. Jesus meant what He said in saying that "you have not because you ask not." In our Scripture today, Paul says that we need to pray for our leaders so that an atmosphere of peace would prevail so that the Gospel could be shared openly. That we might live godly and holy lives in freedom. We need to pray and seek His face so that we can and will live that holy and godly life. We need to pray for people so that they will respond to the Gospel. Witnessing is necessary but without the prayer it can't get off the ground. Sometimes we get far too caught up in the mechanics of how God is to do it. rather than asking God to do it and then listening as He tells us what part He wants us to play.
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