Believing Without Seeing
John 4:46-53 Why is it that before we believe something Spiritual we need to verify it with our senses, We don't usually have any trouble believing that when the weather man says that there is a 75 % chance of rain that we had better plan on rain. If a doctor tells us that if we take the prescribed course of medication that we will get over our sickness, we usually take him at his word. We could all come up with hundreds of other examples of things that we believe without a question. We don't seem to have much difficulty believing God for Salvation or Heaven, but these things can't be verified by our senses anyway. It is also fairly easy to believe in generalities. Like believing that God will take care of me today. At the end of the day we look back and see what happened during the day and say, "yup, that's how God took care of me today." I'm not finding fault with trusting God to lead, guide and care for us each day. We need to do that and thank Him for however He chooses to do it. Have you noticed that most if not all of the requests that came to Jesus were for very specific things and requests that weren't answered were asked in unbelief or of ignorance as to the ramifications of the answered request. Our excuse is often, "maybe it's not His will." or "our asking is just presumption." Heb. 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, and today, and forever." Are you a child of God, are you asking consistent with His Word? Read Mark 11:22-26 and try believing before you see the results.
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