How Many Lives Do You Live?
James 3:9-12 We seem to be living in a world and at a time where one presents himself and says and does what will produce the results that will get what is needed at the time that it is needed. If the situation or the needs change, so does the line. If a lie is necessary, or the truth needs to be stretched, it's ok, "the end justifies the means." If a lie will get me out of a scrape, I can always repent later. As Christians, I believe the Lord expects more of us. It's not ok to praise the Lord now and tomorrow let all sorts of anger and foul language pour out of our mouths. It' s not ok to use our bodies in worship today and immorality tomorrow. Maybe we shouldn't wonder why we sometimes feel so far away from the Lord. He knows - He understands. Because He doesn't discipline us on a one for one basis, doesn't mean He doesn't notice. Yes, He' s merciful. Yes, He forgives. But, don't play games with Him. Let's strive to be people who speak the truth in love in whatever situation we may find ourselves. Let us be real people, who's goal it is to have a character that resembles the character of Jesus.
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