Identifying with Christ

Hebrews 13:11-16 The work of sacrifice is finished! Hebrews 9:11ff tells us that when Jesus died on the cross, He took His own blood into the Holy of Holies in heaven and placed it upon the true altar of which those in the earthly temple were only copies. This was a once for all time transaction. On earth this transaction did not take place in the temple, but "outside the camp." It was a place where one would not expect spiritual things to take place. His spiritual act was dying! In Hebrews 13:13 we are told to go to Him and join Him outside the camp. The real spiritual work takes place outside the camp in the hostile world. If one looks at Jesus' life, they will find that although a portion of His ministry took place within the walls of the Synagogue, most took place in a worldly setting, e.g., in homes, on fishing boats, on mountain sides, a cemetery, etc. It's not terribly difficult to be spiritual in church; but it's in the market place, on the job, and in the streets that it becomes a challenge. We are instructed in Hebrews 10:25 not to give up meeting together, and we do need to gather in church to be taught, encouraged, built up, worship, etc.; but the place where we truly identify with Christ is in our everyday lives. In this context, we are to offer three kinds of sacrifices: lips offering praise, doing good and sharing with others. What we do and say should have the character and Name of Jesus all over it. They are sacrifices, not so much in the fact that we offer them even though we'd rather not; but that they are done in Him, by Him, through Him, and because of Him to give Him glory and credit. When it is a sacrifice it is done or given for a single purpose, His glory. It's not like a copied CD, but like a book, only in one place at a time. When it's done for Him, it is done for Him and He will decide how to use it.

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