If You Really Knew Me, You Would Know My Father as Well.
John 14:5-14 Jesus is saying these words to His disciples near the end of His time with them. There were several times that Jesus said to His disciples, "Have I been with you so long and you still don't understand? True, we can see Him through the cross and resurrection, and we have the witness of the Scriptures, but, how well do we really know Him. One gets to know a friend through time spent in intimate sharing and experiencing things together. It's a bonding that takes place over a period of time. If that is true of earthly friends, it is also true of our relationship with Christ. The more intimately we know Jesus, the more intimately we know the Father. In the previous verse Jesus said that He was The Way, the Truth, and the Life." The only way to the Father, The Truth about the Father, and what real Life, eternal life, is all about as we begin to notice and experience the way Jesus feels about things, His attitudes, His habits, what He feels is important, etc.; we begin to know what the Father is like. Mark 10:13ff tells how He feels about children and the sincerity of their faith. John 10:14ff, shows us how important His "sheep" are, important enough for Him to lay down His life for them. Get to know Jesus and you'll get to know God.
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