In Remembrance of Me
1 Corinthians 11:23-32. What exactly did Jesus have in mind when He said, "This do in remembrance of Me."? The setting was the Passover Meal and probably it began much like the ones they celebrated in the previous years. It must have soon become apparent to the disciples that this was going to be very different from the other ones. Jesus began to add new meaning to the elements of the Passover. Of the bread, He said, "this is My body." and of the cup He said, "this is the new covenant in my blood." He was telling them that He was taking the place of the Passover lamb. Just as the blood of the lamb had preserved them from the death angel, so His life's blood would cover their sins and preserve them from the "death angel". In fact, it opened a door to entrance to the presence of God, because it never had to be repeated, only remembered. We remember and pro claim not only the great significance but the great cost of our salvation. As time went on the celebration began to be a ritual celebrated in clicks by the ones who were more prosperous. Those who were poorer were left hungry. In our Scripture, Paul is coming against this sort of attitude. Do your eating at home. When you come together wait for each other. Celebrate and proclaim what Christ has done for us together as a body. He tells us to examine ourselves, so that we can get things right between us and God; and between us and the other members of the body.
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