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Philippians 4:10-13 Ever know anyone who thought they had all the answers, when the truth of the matter was, that they really didn't know very many of the questions? If you read Paul's statement that he has learned to be content whatever the circumstances", and don't know a lot about Paul; you might think that he really hasn't been around the block yet. Paul is writing this letter from prison, rather late in his life - he really does know what he's talking about, he's been there, done that." Notice that he says that he's learned to be content. This kind of learning does not come through study, but by actually going through the experiences. The secret is learning who your source of ability and supply really is. I'm sure Paul quickly realized that the source wasn't Paul. He says, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength? (Verse 13) It is important to see that Paul is not saying that Christ does everything, and Paul does nothing. Read it again, "l can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Paul is the "appliance", the situation is the job to be done, and Christ is the source of "electricity? We are the ones that must step out in faith and do the job. It is Christ who gives the ability, the direction and the power. It is He who takes what we do and causes it to accomplish what He has had in mind. It is easy to say that, "I can't do this in my own strength" and that I need to depend on Christ; but how do we really do it? I believe that is must start with inviting Him into each situation that we encounter, whether we think we can handle it by ourselves or not. We need to ask Him for ability, strength, wisdom, insight, etc. As He by His Spirit gives us direction, we need to listen, and do it His way. If He checks us on our attitude, methods or direction, let's learn to listen and respond.
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