Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts

Colossians 3:15-17 What is it that rules your heart? Do your feeling, emotions and agendas seem to run with no particular plan? Are you motivated by some particular or hidden agenda? Colossians 3:15 tells us that the "peace of Christ is to rule in our hearts". But how can that happen? First - the peace of Christ must be in our hearts before it can rule there. Do we feel comfortable about our relationship with Him? Can we say that whether we live or die, we are the Lord's? When we as brothers and sisters have differences of opinion, the peace of Christ needs to be the operating force that keeps the family bond intact. The peace talked about here is not merely a nonviolent co-existence, but peace that allows us to work and worship side by side. The Word right here tells us that as members of one body we were called to peace. That's a calling that's common to all Christians. If we are going to walk in obedience, we need to be at peace. That's not Just with our local Church, but with other Christians, where ever we find them. The passage goes on to say that we must let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly as we interact together. It is the Word of Christ that gives us the commonality together so that our peace has a common foundation. Never underestimate the power of God's Word as music or verse in accomplishing miracles not otherwise possible.

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