Live with Care
Ephesians 5:15-21 Verse 15 tells us. "Be very careful then, how, you live." In the (KJV) we are told to "walk circumspectly" which would literally mean to walk "looking around" - paying attention to what' s happening. We need to keep our spiritual brain in gear because the days are evil, and we need to make the most of every opportunity. Imagine a chess game, or some other that requires the use of strategy. In such a game the goal is to win; and to do so, one needs to keep their mind on the game. In the "game" of life in the spirit the goal is to advance the Kingdom of God. If we' re always busy talking our own line or singing our own song, we miss valuable opportunities or worse, not even realized that they are occurring. Because there is so much evil in the world, we need to remember which game we're playing. Often times the evil looks so attractive and so cleverly disguised that we might assume that it is a blessing from God. This is why Paul says to "understand what the Lord' s will is." Get to know the game plan and it' s rules. It is not possible to emphasize too much, "Get the Word in you!" We are told not to "get drunk with wine" ; but to be continually filled and refilled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who keeps us in tune with the Will of God. He gives us understanding of the Word. He helps us to read accurately what is really going on out there in front of us and He gives us the wisdom and the boldness to act upon it. I believe that Paul is telling us that the Word, singing and thanksgiving should characterize our communication with one another and our fellowship with God. He then tells us to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. We are a team and Christ is the Head. Advancement of the Kingdom is the goal and it doesn't matter who carries the ball as long as God gets the glory.
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