Need a Mind Transplant?
Romans 12:1-2 How you think about things, the words you use, your behavior, etc. depends much on where you are and what you are doing. Lawyers, Doctor of Medicine, and accountants don't think about things the same way. The street per son and the professional are for the most part strangers to each other. What Paul is trying to say is that those who belong to Christ and are living by kingdom rules are in a different world from those who live in the natural kingdom which is governed by the needs and wants of the flesh. Although we all have fleshly needs they need to have a lower priority than the things of the kingdom. In fact, we need to be willing to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God. Paul is telling us that because our God is a merciful God - it is safe to do this. We can trust Him. God will never take advantage of us like some people do. It is like the song says: "Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey." It is a matter of changing our habits, our behavior, and our lifestyle to conform to the Word of God rather than our own "flesh logic." It is where, if there is a conflict between our thinking, feeling and/or emotions and God's Word then God's Word is the truth and anything contrary is the lie. It won't happen overnight but little by little we become more and more like him.
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