Attendants at Jesus Birth
Luke 2:8-20 It is so easy in our modern world to miss the real significance of Christmas. For children growing up outside of Sunday School, Christmas is Santa, presents, lights and snow. To many it's a time to drink painful memories away. It's far more than a baby born in an obscure manger in the insignificant town of Bethlehem. It is the historical event of God Himself taking on flesh and becoming one of us. We call it the incarnation. Just think of it, the Eternal, Creator, the all knowing, all powerful, everywhere present, Holy One was carried in the womb of a 14 year old virgin and then born in a stable. This virgin, Mary, was no one of social significance. In fact neither were any of the others who were a part of the unfolding event. God used and still uses common every-day people like you and me to do eternally significant things. Perhaps if we take a look as some of the players in that event of 2000 years ago, we can come to a better understanding. Luke says that Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. Today we seldom ponder anything. We look for a new experience, a new thrill because the last one is gone and we want more. Look at the obedience and patience of Joseph who was told what to do by an angel in a dream. He obeyed and set aside his reputation - he took Mary as his wife and put his pleasure on hold until after Jesus was born. A whole sky full of angels announced the birth to few insignificant shepherds on a hill side. They came to see and left praising God and spreading the word. Then there the old folks in the temple, Simeon and Anna whom God allowed to see their Messiah before they died. This was "just a baby come to be circumcised;" but God gave them eyes to see and know that they were seeing God in the flesh!
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