Removing the Veil
II Cor. 312-18 When Moses spent the 40 days in the presence of God on the mountain his face glowed to such an extent that the people couldn't stand to look at his face. He had to wear a veil over his face when he spoke to the people and take it off when he went before the Lord. Paul makes a profound observation in comparing the glory that came through the giving of the law under the Old Covenant, and the glory to be expected under the New. The reason the people couldn't stand to see the glory in Moses' face was because it exposed their sin, and they wouldn't deal with it. Under the law comes judgment, but in turning to Christ the veil is taken away. Because the sin has been dealt with in the cross, we can stand free before Him and our faces began to reflect His glory. When we remain in control, the result is sin and bondage - a veiled face. When the Spirit of the Lord is in control the sin is removed and there is freedom - the veil is removed. As the process continues, we find ourselves being transformed into His likeness from one level of glory to the next. Experiencing and reflecting His glory is the best preparation there is for spiritual warfare.
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