Seeking God's Best
Kings 3:1-15 King David was dead, and Solomon was now the anointed king and had carried out his father's ?nal wishes. He was now faced with ruling the united kingdoms of Israel and Judah and felt less than adequate for the job. While at Gibeon where he offered sacri?ces (a thousand burnt offerings), the Lord appeared to him in a dream; and said to him, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you." Talk about a "blank check" - and from God Himself! Can you even imagine receiving such an offer - What would you ask for'? Solomon, instead of asking for great wealth or long life or victory over all his enemies, he asked God for a discerning heart to govern God's people and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. God was pleased with Solomon's choice and not only granted his request for wisdom; but also gave him the wealth and honor that he didn't ask for. Jesus captures the principle very well in Matthew 6:33, "But seek ?rst his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." God had called Solomon to a task, that of ruling God's people. God had every intention to give him what he needed to do the job. Solomon's request indicated that his desire was to be on the same page as God and do the best that it was possible to do. With that attitude, Solomon was in a position to receive the blessings that come as byproducts of doing God's thing in God's way. In the minds of the majority, people want the "perks" without the "works" . Life is not like that and neither is the kingdom of God. It is not, "I'm a child of God, therefore I get all these blessings." Rather it is, "I'm a child of God, and I get to live in order to please Him." Blessing will come!
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