Shouldering Responsibility
Galatians 6:1-10 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently." The meaning of the verse is not about someone that is caught 'red-handed" in the act of sinning; but about one who without premeditation finds himself in a state of relapse. This person will likely be in a repentant mood. The most important part of the whole verse is the idea of restoration. Restoration with a caution. The one or ones doing the restoration need to have a good relationship with God and have a view to restoring relationship with God and not just a "rescue". We must never take lightly the motive and methods that Satan uses to bring down as many as possible. We all need to take responsibility as to our character and relationship with God. Most of us have play acting down to a science. We do pretty well, at least at convincing ourselves, in the art of showing ourselves better than someone else, or at least not being as bad as so and so. Both God knows, and we know what our true spiritual condition is at any given time. It is our responsibility to please Him in that area. In that sense we need to bear our own burdens. As people share with us from the things that they have or do well, then we need to reciprocate and share from the things that we have and do well. Verse seven really starts meddling, to not be deceived, God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows' It gets right into one's motives and integrity. No matter what color we paint a kernel of corn, it will still grow corn. Also, no matter what color we paint a lie, it will still bear the fruit of the lie. Sin bears sin as a fruit and righteousness bears righteousness. The encouragement here is to keep on planting good seed, there will be a harvest. Let us each shoulder our responsibility.
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