Some Things Just Don't Mix
1 John 1:5-10. Have you ever tried to clean a brush used in oil-based paint with water or a brush that had been used in lacquer with turpentine? Have ever tried to mix oil and water? Most of us learn very quickly that these kinds of mixtures don' t work and we don't continue to try. There are those things that not only do not mix, but when put together, have other very damaging effects. Like putting oil on a pond, unless it is removed rather quickly, whatever life is in the pond will die. Our Scripture for today reminds us that light and darkness do not mix. "God is light; in Him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5. If our life style is characterized by darkness and we say that we have fellowship with God, the Bible says we are living a lie. To serve " a god as we know him" ends up not being the God of the Bible at all; but something that we have created in our own minds to fit what we think God ought to be like. God cannot be put in a box or manipulated or even comprehended by our small sin laden minds. Our minds don't expose or discover His light, but His Light exposes the darkness in us. To the extent that we confess and repent of the darkness as it is exposed, to that extent the blood of Jesus cleanses our sin and we are able begin to walk in the light. As we live together in His Light, we have true fellowship with one another.
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