Spiritual Banking
Romans 6:8-14 Our life is very much like a bank account. You make deposits with the things you see and hear. Your experiences and education become deposits. All our memories are in our account and available. When we apply for a job, we look over all we have in our account as experiences that would qualify us for the job. If we have it and there is an opening, we probably get the job. When we go to school or college we make specialized deposits to be withdrawn for career or special interests. It is the random deposits that usually get us into trouble - the things we are drawn to by our baser drives and desires. As we are out and about on any given day, we come across situations such as an attractive person of the opposite sex or something that we need or want. We look into our "bank account' of experiences and decide what kind of "check" we are going to write. Is it an opportunity for a hit a witness or a pass on by? When Jesus Christ comes into our lives, He puts some heavy duty, eternal things into our account. As we read and obey the Word those deposits are increased and enhanced. The Holy Spirit through the Word gives us the insight and the ability to sort the items in our account into sinful or Christ honoring. Our Scripture today says '...count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.' What this verse is saying in the context of our discussion is that all those items in our experience bank account that are outright sinful or are even good things driven by sinful motives are to be moved to a separate account and that account closed. Unfortunately, we tend to continue to write checks on the closed account and not on the unlimited resources of the Bank of Heaven. Through prayer and acts of the will let's choose to stop witting "bad checks" and start using the funds that will never run out.
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