Stay on Track
Joshua 23:6-13 The scene takes place near the end of Joshua's life, many years after Israel moved into the promised land. He reminds the people of the covenant that was made with God when they entered the land. Joshua brings to their attention some things that must be kept in mind for them to continue in the will of God. They need to obey all the laws and principles that Moses delivered to the people from God. They must not associate with the nations that remain in the land and they must not have anything to do with their god's. They may not invoke their names, swear by them, serve them, nor bow down to them. The Lord our God must be the only one that holds that position. We can learn much from those principles that were laid down. To the extent that we compromise the principles of the Word of God, to that extent we will stray off course. To that extent we will lack the power to live for God. To the ex tent we associate with and take part in the old lifestyle relation ships (including people, places and things), to that extent we risk not only relapsing into our old habits and lifestyles; but we also run the risk of severely damaging our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. And remember what you've been saved from. Remember what you've been saved for and Remember who you belong to. We were purchased by the precious blood of Jesus.
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