Take Up the Shield of Faith

Ephesians 6:10-18 In days like these, when the return of Jesus seems just around the corner, when we occupy ourselves with reclaiming the territory that Satan thinks belongs to him, we need to be continually clothed with the armor of God. This is not a project that is suited to the abilities and inclinations of the flesh. The only thing the flesh is able to do is sin. We need the "breast plate of Righteousness", The "helmet of Salvation", the "belt of Truth", and our "feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace". These are pieces we wear over our vital areas, they cover those areas. The "Shield of Faith" is a little different. its purpose is to protect us from and extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy. It is a piece that we consciously move into position to meet the enemy's attack. There are times that we must use it to protect ourselves from some things that we might rather enjoy. It involves taking this promise that we cannot see or feel and holding it between ourselves and the oncoming "bullets" of Satan and believing that we will be protected. It is the promise that is coupled with our faith that provides the protective barrier. And that is the barrier that extinguishes all of the enemy' s fiery darts. Just like it makes good sense to build up the calluses on your hands before spending eight or more hours digging ditches; it also makes good sense to build up your faith calluses in the small skirmishes before dealing with the heavier warfare.

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