The Child Is King!

Matthew 2:1-12. It's very easy, when we see the helpless babe in the manger to leave Him like that - a baby. The Magi or Wise Men who came to visit and bring their gifts and to worship, had no such illusion. They came to see the one "born King of the Jews" Matt. 2:2. The early church Fathers looked at the gifts that were brought as having symbolic meaning: the gold stood for His deity (that He was God), the incense stood for His purity, and the myrrh stood for His death. Herod the king also took it seriously, so much so that he had all the boys two years old and younger in the region killed. In our day we have a habit of freezing Him in time. At Christmas we see Him as only a helpless baby. During His ministry, we see Him as the one who went about doing good. At the cross we see Him as dying for our sins, whatever that might mean. At Easter if we can see past the bunnies, we do a little better - we see Him as one who conquered death and the grave. Jesus is all of these things, but He is so much more. This baby in the manger is not only king, but He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He is the eternal God of the universe who in the person of the Son took on human flesh and became one of us. He did this so that sin, Satan, death, the grave might be destroyed. So that you and I as lost and dying and doomed to an eternal hell might not only be saved but given the authority to be called His children. This ONE is coming back, not as a baby, not as Jesus the man, but as He really is - the risen King of Kings and Lord of Lords to receive His children and to judge those who have thrown in their lot with the devil - intentionally or by default. Will you be one of His children? - You can be.

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