The End Is Near
I Peter 4:7-11 There are several places where both Paul and Peter give a list of, as it were, final instructions to believers. They are valid, not only for those whose physical lives will be shortened by the return of Christ; but also for all of us who live in the in-between who will more likely die of natural causes. Peter says, "Be Clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." The (KJV) puts it, "be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." I believe that Peter is telling us to avoid anything that compromises or diminishes our thinking processes, either chemical or otherwise, to the extent that our lines of communication with God are broken down. The word for prayer used here refers primarily to talking to God, but also includes the making of requests. We need clear minds not only to talk to God but to listen to what He has to say to us in any given situation. Peter tells us that we should love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. He's not talking about our sins, but those of the ones we extend our love to. When one has agape kind of caring and compassion for his brothers and sisters, the attention is not on the flaws, but on their wellbeing and outcome. The person is more important than the sum of his mistakes. In verses 9 and 10, Peter is not telling us to be passively nice to people, but to be proactive. "Offer hospitality. . ." "Use whatever gift he has received to serve others." "Faithfully administering God's grace." These are talking about things that we initiate. We all have "gifts", abilities and possessions that we can use in our ministry toward one another. It's time we discovered our gifts and abilities and begin to creatively use them. Just imagine what the church could be like if all of us did that.
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