The Second Deadliest Sin
Matthew 18:21-35 If we were to compile a list of the deadliest sins, the ones at the top of our lists more than likely would be: murder, rape, child molestation; however, the deadliest sin is unbelief. It will keep you out of heaven and will certainly make you far more vulnerable to being involved in the sins that would top most of our lists. Second only to unbelief is unforgiveness. It too will keep us out of heaven, because the Bible tells us in a number of places that if we don't forgive, then we're not forgiven. In our Scripture today, it would seem that unless we extend forgiveness to our brothers and sisters, even the consequences of the things that we've already been forgiven for may be reinstated. That in itself should be real incentive to forgive. Also, just as with unbelief, and maybe more so; unforgiveness doesn't exist alone. Unforgiveness left unsettled will grow into bitterness, and bitterness has the potential of growing into all manner of sins against others, especially towards the one toward whom the bitterness is projected. I don't recall the Bible mentioning anything about not forgiving ourselves, but I would guess that it comes real close to being guilty of both of the top two: unbelief and unforgiveness - think about it! In the natural world, things that grow have roots, these are not usually seen, but they provide nourishment and stability for the plant. When the roots are cut, the plant dies. Unbelief and unforgiveness are the roots for a whole lifestyle of sinful behavior. Cut the roots and you will go a long way toward solving the sin problem.
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