The Truth Will Set You Free
How can knowing something set you free? If you think that you owe a large amount on your taxes and you don't have it-then you discover it that you're paid ahead, and you get a refund-that knowledge will in a very real way set you free. But to know that your sins are forgiven by knowing Jesus and that you have a home waiting in heaven that is freedom with no equal. In our Scripture for today (John 8:31, 32), we find two very important words "if" and "then", "if you hold My (Jesus') teaching, then you are really My (His) disciples." This would indicate that if you do not hold the teachings of Jesus, then you are not His disciples, you don't know the Truth, and you'll not be set free. This being true, it would behoove us to find out what the teachings of Jesus are! Hopefully one would not join an organization or club unless they were to find out what the organization or club stood for and then decide to join or not to join. Unfortunately, there many people who look at the perks and if they're good enough they can fake it on the conditions. Some join churches in the same way. This only has an appearance of working as far as our relationship with Jesus is concerned. Imagine the horror of closing your eyes and death and discovering that you'd only been playing a game. This is not at all saying that we have to earn our salvation; but it is saying, that we ought to want to get to know the One we love and allow Him to help us modify our thinking and behavior. Then we shall know the Truth and that truth will make us free.
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