The Ultimate Help for Mothers
Matthew 15:21-28 I don't believe that God ever intended that, following conception motherhood would be a do it yourself process. Unfortunately, in our culture today that's often how it works. All Mothers are to be honored, but our single Moms are especially honored, encouraged, prayed for, helped, etc. The lady in our Scripture had a desperate need. She certainly could have been a single mom - no husband is mentioned. The important thing in the account is that she knew where to find an answer. Even though she wasn't of the politically correct race, not a Jew, and even though Jesus' disciples tried to drive her away, she refused to be put off. She knew where her answer was to come from and she wasn't giving up. She had the three important ingredients that were needed to get results. 1. She knew the proper source (Jesus) 2. She knew that she could get the answer she needed. (Faith) 3. She didn't give up until she got it (perseverance). In our world today, Jesus does meet needs personally and directly, but I believe that God's greatest desire is that He might meet need through people, His power, His resources, but delivered through people like you and I. We need to be about bringing people to Jesus to have their needs met. We need to keep our eyes and ears open and to be sensitive to the Spirit as He directs us to enter into the helping process. We need to be aware that some things go without saying. He doesn't need to tell us if we see the need and have the resources and/or abilities to meet it - He expects us to do it.
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