Trading in the Old for the New
John 4:4-15 Jesus asked the Samaritan Woman for a drink of natural water and in the process returned it to her as living water in the form of eternal life. He asked her to give to Him what she was able to give so that He could give her what He was able to give. This woman had no integrity that anyone respected; in fact, she even had to come to the well in the heat of the day rather than in the cool morning when the other women came to get water. I'm sure that Jesus asked for a drink because He was thirsty, but I believe that the most important reason was because He had come to seek and to save that which was lost. Jesus didn't say, "Why did you ...?" or "Why didn't you ...?" or even "You should have ...?" or "You shouldn't have ..." He saw in her one who was made in the image of God who was broken and hurting and lost. He saw, not what she was, but what she was going to be. Jesus offered her the only thing that could make that change in her - living water. I believe that this situation that is described here, gives a real insight into the character of God. He's not just waiting for us to fail so that He can trash us. He's there, seeking, offering, waiting ... for us to realize that what we have in ourselves just won't get the job done either now or in eternity. He is asking the same of you and I, to take the little we have and give it to Him, usually it's not much and more than likely its broken, but if we will trust Him with it, and let go of it, He will ex change it for something far better and in ways beyond our imagination. - Think about it!
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