Adjusting Your Perspective
Luke 17:1 10 Because there were so many things that Jesus did and said, it was not possible for all of it to be written (see John 21:25). Through the Holy Spirits leading the writers, in this case Luke, chose the material and the order in which it was to be presented in written form. These four little pieces in verses 1 10 probably did not happen consecutively or necessarily on the same day, but the Holy Spirit had Luke put them together for a particular reason. There is a lesson here that God wants us to see. They deal with sin, forgiveness, faith and duty, but we will see that they all deal with the spirit with which we approach each of these areas. Our perspective, our attitudes are the issue. Causing people to sin, especially children or new believers is serious business. Jesus said that things that cause people to sin are bound to come but watch yourselves that you are not the cause. In your relationship with your brother who sins against you a gentle rebuke is in order, but always in the spirit of a readiness to forgive the offense. The natural response to such a command is. "Lord, increase our faith." We certainly cannot forgive to that extent in our own strength. Notice Jesus' answer, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed ..." The Greek words used here carry the assumption that "you do have that much faith." In other words, I believe He is saying that we do have the faith necessary to forgive as required. Not only that but to do anything that our calling requires. It is the spirit with which we put it to work. In the fourth part - the servant who comes in from the field after a hard day' s work. The point is not the master's attitude. It is not even suggesting that this is how God is. Christ's purpose is not to teach in what spirit God deals with His servants, but to teach rather in what spirit we should serve God. It seems to be the prevailing attitude that when we do all the minimum that is required, that we should receive special recognition. How are we any different or better than anyone else. It is that spirit attitude behind the service that counts. God is looking for those who serve Him because they love Him.
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