We do not serve a half-way God!
Romans 8:31-39. It's about time we learned the truth about some of the lies of the enemy that we often fall victim to. One of the more important ones is that "our circumstances determine the level of God's love and care for us." This would tell us that if we have no problems and we feel good and everything is going well, then God loves us and is taking good care of us. If things go bad, we get sick, etc. then it must mean that god is punishing me or has left me. The truth is that God never leaves or forsakes. Hebrews 13:6 and that nothing can separate us from His love. Rom.8:35. If God is for us than who can be against that really matters? Certainly, people can be against us, but they will never affect the way God feels about us or our relationship with Him. The scripture talks about being set free by knowing the truth. John 8:32. If you were to inherit a great deal of money, but never knew it. You could live in poverty for a lifetime and never realize that it could be different. How often do we live in spiritual poverty, forgetting what God has made available for us through Christ, not realizing that our struggles could be drawing us closer to Him and making us stronger? We forget, many times, that we have a choice as to what resource we are going to draw upon. The enemy's goods are always right there in our face, but when we know and keep ourselves reminded of the truth, we can say no to the enemy and yes to Christ. Romans 8:34, tells us that Christ Jesus is always interceding for us. When the enemy brings an accusation against us, Jesus becomes our defense attorney. What more could we want?
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