You Need A Rock
Ephesians 2:14-22 And I'm not talking about the kind you smoke. Jesus is our rock, more particularly our "Chief Corner Stone". The chief corner stone was the one that was the block that was laid and leveled first. It is the stone that everything else is aligned and compared to. The foundation of the Apostles and Prophets was laid with the coming of the chief corner stone in mind. The church, if it is to be the kind of church that God builds, is to be built upon the foundation and kept in strict alignment with Jesus Christ. As individual members of that church we also are to be in alignment with foundation and cornerstone. To the extent that we are not, to that extent we are doing our own program. Continuing on that path will be like climbing the "ladder of success" and discovering that it was all the time leaning against the wrong building. God, through Jesus Christ has broken down the wails that divide us, Jew and Gentile, and members of various denominations. If there are walls, we built them, God didn't. It is time we as members of the various local churches stopped fighting within the church and among the churches. There certainty will always be differences, but to a lost world we must speak with one voice_ As has been said before, there are only two classes of people, the saved and the lost!
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