A People of Prayer
I Timothy 2:1-8, James 5:16 says that, “The prayer of a righteousness man is powerful and effective.” Jesus also prayed a lot and also had a great deal to say about prayer. Notice how important it is to Paul. He says, “I urge you.” “First of all.” Then he uses a number of words that express communication to God. These words talk of bringing our needs and wants, of coming in behalf of another, to give thanks, and just talking to Him. This is to be done for everyone. At the top of the list are those who govern us and are in places of leadership over us. In Paul’s day it was Nero, a very wicked Roman Emperor. The purpose of these prayers is so that we might conduct our Christian lives in peace and quiet in a godly and holy manner. It is God’s desire that all men be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. God’s desire that all be saved is expressed as dominant theme throughout the Bible, and He has done everything possible for man to be reconciled to Himself. In our prayer, we can become part of the process of reaching people for Christ. The truth is that life is not a multiple-choice exam in which the correct answer is, “d. All of the above.” There is only one God, not just a “higher power” of your choice. And there is only one way to come into proper relationship with Him, and that’s through His Son Jesus Christ who came and died in our place. Prayer in these matters is so important that Paul says I want you to do it everywhere, and anger, doubts and disputes should never have a place. In order for us to lift “holy hands” to God we need to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.
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