Final Instructions
I Thessalonians 5:12-24 The main thrust of Paul’s letters to the church at Corinth is concerned with the second coming of Jesus. And that is certainly what he has in mind when he gives these final instructions in chapter 5. Here in just a few verses, Paul places the formula for not only getting our personal lives in synch; but also, a guide to make the church function as it should. They are valuable and in order in any time, but especially as That Time approaches. In our day when His coming is closer than it ever has been before, it is important to continually, in love, remind one another. In the N.I.V. to respect the ones who are over us in the Lord; in the Greek the word respect has the element of “get to know them We are told to live in peace with one another. In our relations with other people we are told to warn .... encourage .... help .... be patient.... and be kind . . . In our relationship with the Lord: to be joyful always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. In regard to the working of the Holy Spirit: don’t put out His fire, don’t treat prophecies with contempt, test everything and hold onto what is good, and avoid all kinds of evil. These things not only are about what we do and don’t do; but are primarily about how we think about things; i.e., our attitudes. Our attitudes can change a curse to a challenge and an obstacle into a launching pad. There is certainly not a person who in his own strength can hope to live up to these standards. But Paul prays that God Himself, the God of Peace, will provide us with the sanctification, (the holiness and setting apart) that we need to live as He expects. God is not watching to see if fail; but lovingly, as often as necessary, picks us up and helps us to stand. Never give up!
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