God Cares

I Peter 5:5-11 It is not possible for the human mind to understand the vastness of God’s love for His children. So often we judge the love of God by the goodness or badness of what is happening to us. As in, “That was an unpleasant or painful experience, therefore God doesn't love me.” Things happen because of our sin, others sin, attacks of the enemy, because they just happen. The impact of these events is determined largely by the choices we make or don’t make. We can choose intentionally or by default, to let the circumstances destroy us or rob us of our joy. We can also choose to let God reveal His love to us and make us stronger for having gone through the trial. Our Scripture today tells us to cast all our anxiety upon Him because He cares for us. If we are experiencing anxiety, it means we have real doubts about the outcome. If things were solely our responsibility, then we have good reason to be anxious. We need to make a “very difficult” decision: we have situations that are more beyond our ability to control and work out than we could ever imagine, and we have someone who really loves us that is willing and more than able to handle it. Will we carry all the pain of our burdens by ourselves, or will we give them to Him? It is a matter of trying to carry something that we can’t, rather than give it to Someone who can. We are told that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Pride says, “I’m better than you and I really don’t need you. I can handle things all by myself." Proverbs 16:18 Tells us that, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." If we have a prideful spirit God will resist us. There is a false humility which is really pride in a poor disguise. True humility is recognizing the truth about ourselves and realizing that our true source of strength and ability is from God and not from ourselves.

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