God’s Logic Not Ours
Malachi 3:6-12 It certainly defies human logic to think that the more you keep the less you have to supply your needs. And the more you give the better your needs are taken care of. If that’s not logical to you than you’re not alone. The people in Malachi’s day didn’t understand it either. All the way back in the time of Moses, God had commanded that the tithe or ten percent be brought to the temple so that it’s needs might be taken care of. The Levites had no inheritance in the land and they depended on the tithes that were brought in for their survival. When the tithes weren’t given then the Levites had to go and find work outside the work that God had called them to and consequently God’s work suffered. The Israelites were in violation on a number of major points. Malachi tells the people that they are robbing God. They were robbing God in that they were not supplying the needs of the temple; and also, that they were in direct violation of His command to bring the tenth into God’s storehouse which at that time was the temple. They were robbing God of the ability to bless them. God set up various principles to make things on earth to function properly. Gravity keeps people on the planet. When it is violated it can bring much pain and even death. The bones in your body may sometimes be restrictive, but they make the daily tasks possible. Giving is another of those principles that God uses to bless us and make our lives function properly. It is the principle of sowing and reaping, of seeking first the kingdom of heaven so that God can supply first of all what we are seeking as well as all the additional things that we are in need of. With many things like gravity the cause and effect are immediate; but in other things like giving, the full effect might not be detected immediately. Like planting a seed. The results of not planting can be devastating, so can the results of not giving. We rob both God and ourselves.
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