How’s Your Eyes?
Matthew 6:22-23 When you open your eyes and look out into the world, what do you see? Perhaps an alarm clock telling you that it is time to wake up, or time to go to work. Maybe you’re seeing the road in front of your car leading to your destination. What you see is certainly happening outside your body, but the light of what you are seeing is shining a light on the inside and giving you information from which you can make decisions. This is why the eye can be called the “lamp of the body”. When two people look at the same thing, they are seeing basically the same objects. Past experience and emotional make up will determine how that information is processed, if, for example, your looking from a high elevation; one may see beauty and awe, but the other may be so filled with terror that he can only see himself falling. Maybe you see someone in dirty clothes sleeping in an alley. One may say “how disgusting," but another he just needs some help and another chance.” The goodness or badness of the eye is really determined by the condition of the heart. Is it Jesus oriented or is it controlled by lust? These verses are from the Sermon on the Mount. The verses just before talk about storing treasurers in heaven and the ones following about how one cannot serve two masters. If my desire and goal is to store treasurers in heaven, I will process and act upon the information coming into my eyes much differently than if my pleasure were all that mattered. If the master that I serve is God, then I will process and act upon the information received in a way that will please Him. If I’m only serving myself and my interests than Jesus says that I’m filled with great darkness. If my desire is to please Him, then my body is filled with light. Are you filled with light or darkness? How are your eyes?
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