Jesus the Bread of Life.
John 6:25-40 Jesus told stories about things in the physical realm that His hearers could grasp, in order to help them to understand parallel truths in the spiritual realm which were beyond their comprehension. We get a clue in verses 25-27; the people were chasing Him down because He had multiplied the bread and fish and fed thousands, and they wanted more and more. Jesus tells them don’t work for food which is going to spoil but for that which endures to eternal life. The people ask Him, “what kind of work can we be doing to meet God’s requirement?” Jesus replied, "the work is to keep on believing in the One He has sent.” The people are still stubbornly confused. They wanted a sign that would prove His credentials. Jesus had just fed 5000 with a small lunch and walked on water. He set them straight on the manna issue and that the true bread of heaven is the One that God sends that gives life to the world. Now this is the kind of bread they want; but they still weren’t ready for Jesus’ next statement: “I am the bread of life!” Now they have a real problem. Manna they can understand, you pick it up and put it in your mouth. Now they have a person — you don’t eat people. Notice the parallel. One eats food and it maintains physical life. One could make a similar parallel with knowledge. One takes in information, it becomes knowledge, in application and experience it becomes wisdom. The “works” (verse 29) and the “eating” (verse 53) is the coming to and believing in Jesus. (Verse 35). You don’t come to Jesus for a meal — He gives eternal life and a relationship with Himself. A meal is eaten and gone and only lasts for a few hours. God’s supply is limitless, and you will never go spiritually hungry or thirsty. Revelation 22:17 ‘Whoever is thirsty, let him come...”
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