Jesus, Don't Miss the Real Thing

Luke 19:29-44 Was the triumphal entry of Jesus really triumphant? Jesus knew that His death was at hand, He'd mentioned it to His disciples on a number of occasions. Palm Sunday morning Jesus sent a couple of disciples on ahead to bring back a colt. Jesus used the colt to ride into Jerusalem. People began to shout Hosanna and lay palm branches in front for Him to ride on. The people were welcoming a king. When you notice the reaction of the Pharisees, they didn’t take Jesus a bit seriously, all they wanted was for the people to stop their “blasphemy”. Even those who were then shouting praises would in less than a week be shouting "crucify him!". I'm sure that, just as in our own day, there were multitudes more of the people that just went on about their business and paid no attention at all. Is it any wonder that in Luke 19:41 we read that He stopped outside of Jerusalem, looked over the city and wept? God Himself in the person of Jesus Christ had entered into their time and space, and they really didn’t have a clue. The focal point and cross-roads of eternity was occurring before their eyes and they didn't even know and probably didn't care. I can imagine the human side of Jesus could have been thinking, "will anyone ever know or understand what my mission and death was all about?" After His resurrection and especially after Pentecost, some really did understand. What about in our own time, our own, city, our own church, do we really grasp what the whole thing is all about. When was the last time you wept over our city? The door of salvation is still open, but for how long? Let's not let people miss seeing the real Jesus. Let them see Him living in us.

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