Living as New Creations
2 Corinthians 5:11-21 We have all had much experience living as the old creation. We do well at doing what comes naturally, at doing our own thing. As a matter of fact, in our own strength that’s all we can do. That’s exactly why it was necessary for Jesus to go to the cross. Paul tells us in (5:14) that “One died for all” and because of that “all died”. He took the diseased spiritual life that we couldn't maintain, killed it and buried it. He took on Himself the full measure of all our disease of sin and paid the full price. That’s the glory of the Gospel — all our sin is paid for and under the blood of Jesus. Jesus paid for the sins of all we lived and would live after. If there were a bank that contained the money for all the debts of every person living on the planet, and all that was necessary was for each one to go to the bank and draw the money out and pay the debts, then who would be responsible if you didn’t draw out the money? The grace is in the Bank of Heaven to cover all the sins you could ever commit and to provide you with a brand-new spiritual life. The only way to appropriate it is to be reconciled to God through His Son Jesus Christ. It can’t happen any other way. (5:17) tells us that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone the new has come.” The next verse tells us that God has already reconciled Himself to us in Christ. The next step is our part. To acknowledge our deadness and our need for God. To recognize Jesus as the only way and humbly ask Him to reconcile us with the Father. He will make us that new creation and give us the Holy Spirit to make it work. The Proverb 3:5&6 tells us to lean not on our own understanding, but in all our way to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path. He will show us through His Word and Spirit how to live.
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