Living Up to What We’ve Already Attained.
Philippians 3:12-21 Are we responsible for what we know? I think our bosses think so. If we have been instructed as to how to do a job, our employers expect the methods and workmanship to be up to a standard. Teachers expect their students to produce up to, not only the level that they may have attained, but to the level of expected attainment. In law enforcement, ignorance of the law is not an excepted excuse for breaking the law. All too often in our relationship to God, whatever happens, happens. If it doesn’t work than that must have been God’s will. Could it be that God’s will had nothing to do with it? Could it be that we “bungled the job?” Certainly, God takes up the slack for much of our inadequacies, ineptness, and carelessness; but should we be presuming on that? We will be held accountable. Isn’t it nice to see a beautifully landscaped house and lawn, a car that has been meticulously cleaned and polished, a flawless work of art, etc. It is also great to see someone whose life ever increasingly reflects the character of Christ. Will we ever attain perfection? No, but when we’ve made every effort to do the best we can with what we have, and God lays His hand on it; the results are without comparison. Do we do this to earn our salvation? One doesn’t need to work at earning what he already has. It is a matter of being who you already are. Of living to please the One to whom we belong. Paul wasn’t even satisfied to live up to what he had; but he looked ahead to what God was calling him to and made every effort to move toward and live up to the goal to which God had called him. Let us make every effort to let the character of Christ effect every area of our life, our thinking, our behavior, our speech, our workmanship, our worship — everything!
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