Patterns for Fathers
John 14:9-14 How blessed are those who have grown or are growing up in a family with a father who is married to their mom, who loves the Lord and is committed to and spends time with his family. Unfortunately, that is becoming more and more rare in our world today. On the other end of the scale are those whose fathers don't even know that their child exists or if they did, they wouldn’t care. It takes no skill at all to father a child, but it's an entirely different thing to be a father to a child. Kids need a proper pattern to learn how to be a man or a woman, a dad or a mom. You're going to be their primary pattern, if you’re around, otherwise they'll find a pattern somewhere. Do we really want our children defining fatherhood, manhood or husband hood according to what comes into our homes via the TV movies with all its language, violence and use of women? Depending on what pattern they find, they may have a lot of trouble learning to know God as father. As men we need to take inventory. Are our children seeing godly patterns in us? Or What do the kids that see us as a pattern see, whether they're ours or not? The children that come into our lives need to be shown what real Christian men look and act like, particularly how they show their Christian love. If they can’t find godly patterns in the church, where will else can they look. In thinking about these things, look at John 5:19 and at what Jesus said to Philip when he said "show us the Father" in John 14:9-14. One can see from His statements that Jesus’ only desire was to be just like His Father, to say His Words and to do His deeds. Men, our world is in trouble and we're running Out of time!!??? Let us find and learn from godly examples and then in turn become examples for those who follow.
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