The Perfect Church
Acts 2: 42-47 What is the perfect church? Who could belong to the perfect church? What characteristics would the perfect church have? In Acts 2, we find the birth of the church, the church as God Himself created it, the perfect church. This church is marked by four ultimate commitments: 1. They were devoted to hearing, (reading), learning and obeying the Word of God. 2. They were devoted to love and care for each other and to participate in each other's lives.3. They were devoted to worship God, always focusing on Jesus as Lord and Savior. 4. They were devoted to prayer and fellowship with God. knowing that He answers prayer. This church as God created it was also marked by three attitudes and expectations: 1. They all had a sense of awe; God is present! 2. They all had great expectations and wonderment: What will God do today? 3. They are united: they live for each other, not selfishly for themselves. This church as God created it has two daily practices. 1. Worship, focus and commitment to Jesus. 2.Sharing their lives with fellow Christians gladly and sincerely. Finally, this perfect church has one amazing result: Their Witness and Life Attracts Others to Jesus and God Adds to His Church Daily!
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