Behold God's Mercy
The mercy and steadfast love of our God toward us in truly beyond understanding. His ear is tuned to hear our faintest cry of repentance. He certainly doesn't just wink at sin, rebellion, disobedience, etc. you know the list. He will indeed let us feel the impact and results of our sin - He'll watch us do it to ourselves. When we've had enough of beating our heads against the wall -He'll be quick to respond to the cry of repentance from our hearts. Notice that it's a heart cry that He's looking for not just that we are tired of the hassle and want to be free so that we can be back about our business as usual. In II Chron. 33:1-20 we are told of king Manasseh who reigned for 55 years and was possibly the wickedest king to rule in Judah, but the king of Assyria took him captive and put a hook in his nose and bound him in bronze shackles. Read the account but especially verses 12 & 13 of how his genuine cry to the Lord brought him deliverance. Read Psalm 106 especially verses 43 46 (our text today). Let us as a church humble ourselves before our God and cry out to Him, that He might lift us up and cause us to be about His business in these last days.
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