Where Do You Look for Answers?

James 5:13:16 In a time when there are so many resources available to find answers, they can’t keep up with the questions. In these several verses in James, there is expressly mentioned or implied a number of resources that we have available to us as Christians. These are prayer, praise and worship, elders (pastors and church leaders), the church, oil of anointing and confession. Verse 13 in the NIV reads, “Is anyone in trouble?” and that might be a misleading, because the idea here is not that you did something wrong and there’s a warrant out for you. It means more, to suffer physical pain, hardship and distress and probably can include stress, depression, persecution, etc. James says to pray, literally to keep on praying. If you’re happy sing songs of praise. Remember, your spirit can sing even if your voice has problems. Praying for the sick seem to be an important thread throughout the Bible. In the O.T. there was Elisha and Naaman’s leprosery. In the Gospels, Jesus had a special compassion for those who were sick. Here, the idea is if you’re sick, get yourself prayed for, and anointed with oil. Call on the elders (pastors and/or other spiritual leaders). Commentaries say that it was felt that the oil had medicinal qualities and that may be true; the next verse says that the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. The construction of the sentence tells us that it is the faith of the one who prays rather than that of the sick person. Sometimes sin is involved in the illness. If so, it will be forgiven. Verse 16 is so important, find someone in the body of Christ that you can trust, “confess your sins to each other.” “Pray for each other.” Healing will take place. Never underestimate the power and effectiveness of your prayers. God will certainly answer in crises; but consider a plan for preventive maintenance. Continuing prayer, praise and worship; accountability to God and to one another as we confess to and pray for each other. The less the crises within the church body, the more powerfully we can minister and witness to those who are on the outside — lost.

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