You Can't Fix a Bad Attitude
Genesis 4:1-12 You can't fix a bad attitude. It must be put to death and replaced with a proper one. Struggling with a bad attitude is a battle you can't win. It's like trying to eat a nice meal while at the same time you’re carrying a double arm load of garbage. Cain was caught in that dilemma. His attitude started out bad when he brought God "some of the fruits” as an offering. One could make an argument that he should have brought an animal for an offering, but it was his attitude that brought him the most grief. Our offerings to God need to be the first and the best. Abel brought “fat portions from some of the first born of his flock”, the best. If we have a problem with that then we have an attitude problem and God does not have the proper place in our value system. God told Cain if you do what is right, you'll be accepted. "But if you don't do what is right, sin is crouching at your door desiring to have you." As long as you nurse your bad attitude your tendency and temptation will be to act out what your attitude calls for. God told Cain that he must master it. Cain wasn't able to; his anger and jealousy got the best of him, and he killed his brother Abel. God held Cain accountable for the fruit of his attitude and banished him. We too will be held accountable. The only solution for a bad attitude is to repent and put it to death - it can't be fixed.
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