God's People Are Believing a Lot of Lies
Did you realize that everything you believe that is not in alignment with the Word of God is a lie? That includes all the things that are not mentioned in the Word that fall outside the principles and character of what is contained in the Word of God. The following are some of the lies that are commonly believed. Do any of them fit you? God has forgotten me He doesn't have time for me. The Bible promises sound good, BUT they just don't work for me. God has decided that I'm not good enough to deserve any of His promises. Sometimes we get around the promises by saying that, "They must have been intended for another time, and that time is long past." The mere fact that I have so many problems is proof that God doesn't love me. Or; I can't be saved I'm too wicked. I believe that "Once saved, always saved!" I can live any way I please, it really doesn't matter. Eternal security is one thing, but if you can continue to live in what you know is sin and not feel convicted, maybe you’d better go back and make sure the salvation experience you had was genuine. If you feel convicted, then immediate repentance is in order. Have you ever felt that "I've started doing this sin I might just as well go all the way and do it all"? That's a lie. Another very deadly lie is to believe that if I just live decent life, God certainly wouldn't let me go to hell." Jesus Christ is the only way to God and the Bible says what it means and means what it says!!!!
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