Jesus the Forever Bread
John 6:22-40 People seek Jesus for many reasons. Some people seek Him for all the benefits. He supplies all our needs, He heals etc. etc. This is all true, but some folks carry a fat little Buddha and rub His tummy to get similar results. Some people follow Him so they can know a lot of good people. Saying they are a Christian can get them into a lot of nice doors. He's a good reason to not do things you didn't want to do anyway. He's pretty good hell insurance too. Before you think your Pastor has "fallen out of his tree", let me say that most of the things mentioned above are not all bad; but if they are on the top of your list, you're off base. Jesus is a person, and not just a person, He is the Son of the Living God, God Himself. He wants to have an eternal love relation with us. We ought to seek Him for who He is not for what we can get out Him. He loves us as individuals, unconditionally, so much so that He died on a wicked cross to cover our sins. His desire is that we love Him in return. He wants us to seek from Him, not physical bread which satisfies for only a brief time, but eternal bread. The promise is that if we come to Him and believe in Him that we will always be satisfied. He will never send us away hungry or thirsty. When a person truly becomes hungry and thirsty for the Lord and comes to Him. The refreshing that comes is so good. He provides the material supply, the healing, the friendships, etc., but they come as a byproduct, or bonus of just enjoying Him. They are what are added to us when we first seek Him and His kingdom. If you've never tasted His Forever Bread, He stands with arms outstretched waiting to receive you He will never turn you away.
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