Jesus the Storm Calmer
Luke 8:22 25 There is a contemporary Christian song that I remember hearing on the radio a while back the words went roughly like this, "Sometimes He calms the storm, but that doesn't mean He will. Sometimes He calms the storm, other times He calms His child." Often our perception of the storm is of much greater magnitude than the actual storm itself. Most of the time it's within us that Jesus needs to say, "Peace, be still!" The storms of life may be raging, but if the peace of Christ is in our hearts it's Okay." Other times they may be quite insignificant, but they can tear us into pieces. In our Scripture, Jesus and His disciples set out to cross the Sea of Galilee. On their way Jesus fell asleep and while He was sleeping a sudden storm whipped up the waves so that the boat was in danger turning over. (Because of the way the lake is situated by the mountains, this happens quite often.) The disciples, some of them fisherman, were terrified and frustrated that Jesus could sleep at such a time as this. Didn't He care about their welfare? After Jesus awoke and stilled the storm, He asked His disciples, "Where is your faith?" Did He mean that they should have been able to speak to the storm and make it go away? I don't think so. I believe that the mere fact that Jesus was sleeping, should have told them that everything was okay. He had told them they were going to the other side which meant they were going to get there. When God calls us to salvation, to a mission, to a place, a job, etc. He has given us everything that's needed to get the job done His presence, His peace, His wisdom, His supply. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life... But, what if the "storm" is really bad and things are falling apart, and nothing makes sense, and God's ways just don't seem to fit. It's Okay! Plan A (Jesus) always works, understanding isn't necessary, faith is. He will get you to the other side!
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