Letting God Do the Building
"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city the watchmen stand guard in vain." Psalm 127:1 When the children of Israel stood on the two mountain sides in the “promised land” and heard the blessings if they were to be obedient to the Lord and the curses if they were to choose their own way and lived in disobedience, they learned that it's not by man's efforts that things rise or fall. They were informed (I can’t say, they learned) that if they lived in obedience to God, basically everything they set their hand to would prosper. If, however, they lived in disobedience, what they had would fall through their fingers. I think all of us want the Lord to build our "house", but are we willing to pay the price. The time it takes to seek His face to discover where He's going. Are we willing to set our priorities and agenda's aside, when they don't correspond with His? How can you Know? Spend time in the Word. Spend time in prayer. Ask Him to give you spiritual eyes. If you really want to know and are willing to trust and follow Him, He will show you. This will work for the individual and for the church body. How about it?
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