Salvation at Great Cost

I Peter 1:18-19 “For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a Iamb without blemish or defect.” I Cor. 6:1 9b 20a says, "You are not your own; you were bought at a price." The salvation that we have by faith in Jesus Christ must never be taken for granted. The plan was from eternity and the cost was the life blood of the only begotten Son of God. We tend to quickly lose sight of the seriousness of sin, the position we are in outside of Christ, and the terrible cost of our salvation. There are no little sins or big sins; these only have significance from the local impact that they have on the lives of those around us. From God's perspective, sin is an eternally fatal disease with only one cure, the blood of His Son. Every living person is infected with this fatal disease. Aides will only put you in the grave, but sin will put you in Hell. Just like one doesn't have a light case of HIV, one also does not have a light case of SIN. Because of the 100% fatality rate for sin and because of the great love of God for us, He supplied the only substance that was able to provide a cure: blood from a perfect human being. The blood was only effective at the death of the donor. The only possible source of that blood was from His only Son who was willing not only to become a human being but also to die. If only one cure was found for Aides, I'm sure those who were HIV positive would have no trouble zeroing in on it. Why do people want to try everything else but Jesus in regard to sin? The Lord's Supper celebrates God's answer for sin: Jesus!

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