The King That Knew Not Joseph
Exodus 1:6-14 When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, he eventually ended up in Egypt. After spending several years in prison for being falsely accused, he emerged as a leader with power not far short of Pharaoh himself. It was because of the position that he had attained that his family was rescued from the famine and moved to Egypt. They were given some of the best land in Egypt. The years passed, Joseph and his brothers died and the line of Pharaohs that had shone favor to Joseph also passed. Exodus 1:8 says that a new king, who did not know Joseph, came to power in Egypt. Israel was no longer seen as a stabilizing force, but was seen a threat to the nation. What if there were a war and Israel took the side of the enemy? Egypt made slaves of Israel, and measures were taken to reduce their population or at least keep it from growing. Egypt was afraid of Israel. Are the Christians in America moving into a similar position? There was a time when the Christian faith was seen as a stabilizing force. We are living in a time when the social order is moving in a direction that the Bible believing church cannot and will not go. If the return of Christ is delayed, will there become a time right here when those in power no longer know about Christ and began to take official measures against the Church. When that time comes, what will be the response of God’s people? Is the time already here, and I believe it is, that we need to learn how to live in a Christ unfriendly environment? Not simply to survive, but to be a redeeming influence in each local setting. Seeking to salvage souls for the Savior one by one.
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