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II Cor. 9:6-11. "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously." This is a principle that works whether or not the person is a Christian, but God causes it to work far more effectively for His children. Investment institutions try to get people to buy CD's, invest in IRA's, etc. If one does this especially when they are young, they can retire very comfortably. The verses we are looking at today are the finishing touches on an appeal to the Corinthians to minister to some of the other churches that are in a special time of need. The Corinthians had made a promise of a generous gift and Paul is getting ready to send a group to pick up their gift. He is sending this reminder letter, so they will be able to deliver on their boasting. (The promise always tends to be greater than the delivery.) I believe that Paul has a greater purpose in these verses than to just prepare for this one offering. I believe he is presenting a principle that can become a characteristic of our very life style. He is teaching us that God is the source of our supply of seed for sowing and our bread for eating. If we continue to eat all our seed, we will have nothing to plant and we will soon be in need of a fresh supply. But if we begin to plant and invest our seed then the harvest that comes in will provide both seed for replanting and the food we need to survive on. The greater the amount of seed that's planted, the greater the harvest. Last week we talked about commitment to "soul winning” The same principle applies. As we take that seed of time and God's Word and plant it in someone who needs to know Jesus, God will produce a harvest that only eternity will be able to comprehend.
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