What Lies Ahead for Us?
Luke 19:28-44 We know it as Palm Sunday. They knew it as a day that began a week of preparation for the Passover, the day that commemorated the day of deliverance from slavery in Egypt. All the Jews were gathered in Jerusalem exchanging their out of town currency with the money changers so that they could buy a lamb to be sacrificed at the Passover. Jesus approaches Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt, while still at a distance, the Pharisees in the crowd rebuke Jesus because of the praise that was being shouted for Him. Jesus reminds them that if they were to keep quiet, even the rocks themselves would cry out. As He comes to a point overlooking the city, He stops and begins to weep for the city. Jesus has been with them for the better part of three years, preaching counseling, doing many miracles and still they don't even have a clue what it's all about. They're sleeping right through their day of deliverance, and judgment is less than four decades away. We are living in a world in which the major portion is sleeping through their day of deliverance. We are living in a nation in which the major portion is sleeping through their day of deliverance. We are living in a city in which the major portion is sleeping through their day of deliverance. You see, just as Israel didn't know that in less than 40 years the Romans would come massacre them, devastate their city and leave even their temple in ruins; we also don't know what lies ahead for us. We have no guarantees as a world, a nation, or as individuals. The importance of the Easter season is not new clothes, or candy. It is a commemoration of the source of our deliverance. This is exactly why the Bible says that "Today is the day of Salvation, now is the accepted time." One day there will not be a tomorrow, and many will have slept through their day of deliverance. How about you!?!
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