What Is Really Important?
Luke 10:38:42 In order to really find out what is important; one needs to ask some questions. What is the situation and the needs of the people involved? Important to whom? What are the agendas of those involved? Some of these questions become interesting when applied to the parable of "The Good Samaritan". Put yourself in the position of each of the people. To the one robbed, there was probably something in Jericho that needed to be attended to. Perhaps he was just going home for dinner. Someone else, the robber, changed what was important him. Now he needed help. The robbers had things that were important to them. Maybe they were hungry, looking for thrills, needed to support their habit, etc. The priest and the Levite were undoubtedly important people who had other people depending on them. Maybe they had counseling sessions, business meetings, going home for lunch, etc. The Samaritan probably had important things to do too, since he was not a poor man - he had money to pay the man's hotel bill. Each one, except the one robbed, had a choice to make. What was the most important thing, at that moment, to take care of? What are the legal issues? It's easy for us to make calls for someone else in hind sight; we know what the answer is supposed to be. But, if we were there, what decision would we make? What are our priorities? And are we willing to let someone else's needs trump our own? What are the short and long term implications? Is there an eternal element? James 1:5 tells us to ask God for wisdom. When we do, we need to pay attention to what God lays on our heart.
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